WEIGHTLESS – Interview with Writer/Director Jaron Albertin

Canadian filmmaker Jaron Albertin felt so inspired by Texan writer Brian Allen Carr's short story, "Whisper to Scar" that he molded it into the idea that became WEIGHTLESS.  Along with writer Charlotte Colbert and Enda Walsh (Once, Hunger) they have created a truley introspective marvel that dives into father and son relationships and coming of age for a young boy and his father.   Set amongst the beauty of the rugged Canadian landscape and you have a treasure of a film.  

Here is my interview with Jaron Albertin.

In  WEIGHTLESS,  Albertin  wanted  to  build  a  story  around  the  concept  of hereditary trauma,  the  idea  that  trauma,  or  extreme  trauma,  can  be  inherited. "In  psychology,  it's  a phenomenon  where  traumatic  experiences  can  be  passed  down  from  one  generation  to  the next,"  he  explains. "So,  theoretically,  a  child  can  physically  harbor  past  trauma  from  a  parent. This  idea  intrigued  me–  how  pain  and  suffering  can  be  passed  on  and  repeated  in  a  cyclicalway."    His  original  intent  was  to  turn  Carr's "Whisper  to  Scar,"  a  story  about  a  father  and  his morbidly-obese  adolescent  son,  into  a  short  film.    But  the  more  he  thought  about  the  situation,the  larger  the  themes–  and  the  narrative–  became.  "To  me,  there  was  a  more  nuanced  story in  here,  that  of  connection  and  isolation.  These  were  the  big  themes  for  me,"  Albertin observes. "I  saw  two  people,  both  on  the  same  path,  with  the  same  struggles.    An  overweight boy  trapped  and  isolated  in  his  own  body,  a  man  alienated  from  society,  and  the  samedesperate  and  seemingly  doomed  pursuit  of  a  human  connection."  From Press Kit for WEIGHTLESS

In my interview with Jaron we discuss working off of Carr's story and melding it with Enda into the final film.  We dived into specific shots in the film and his overall visual look he cultivated with DP Darren Lew.  I asked about the score of the film and also about the casting of Alessandro Nivola as his lead – Joel.  Here is the full interview with filmmaker Jaron Albertin.



Gadi Elkon
Gadi Elkon
Israeli born. Texan raised. North Texas based.

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