14th Annual 24-Hour Video Race Kicks Off March 28, 2015



The 14th Annual 24-Hour Video Race, presented by The Video Association of Dallas, will commence at the Angelika Film Center, 5321 E. Mockingbird Land in Mockingbird Station, Dallas, at 11:59 pm Friday, March 27 with the race taking place all of Saturday March 28. It will end 24 hours later at 11:59 pm. Information, early registration and rules are all at http://www.24hourvideorace.com/ or email [email protected].

“We moved the 24-Hour Video Race up to March this year so students who are participating more and more each year would have more time to do the Race before finals hit,” said Bart Weiss, artistic director of the Video Association of Dallas.

“And to keep things interesting, we’ve added some new twists this year. We’ll add a new element to the list of ‘Must Includes,’ a character. The character aspect will be like a bartender or a ball deflator,” Weiss continued. “We have also reconfigured our team structure to so that large teams are not penalized. It should be a fun race. Let the fun begin in March by signing up now.” 

About the Race

Dallas film and video makers of all levels of experience are invited to participate in the race, both creatively and literally.  Teams that do not make it to the finish line at midnight will not be included in the judging.

All teams will be assigned five critical elements that will be revealed Friday, March 27 at 11 pm at Angelika right before the official kick off to the Race. Those five critical elements are:

  • a theme
  • a prop
  • a location
  • a line of dialogue
  •  a character

Anyone with a camera and the willingness to race can participate. Past teams have included elementary school students to professional filmmakers.  Student teams compete against other student teams and adult teams are categorized by team size rather than skill level.


24-Hour Video Race’s five categories:

Super 8 Division (10th grade and under): $75/team

Team captains must be 18 years of age or older, or adult mentor must register and supervise team. Team captain is responsible for providing VAD with written evidence that each participant under 18 has obtained the prior written consent of a parent or legal guardian to participate in the 24-Hour Video Race. Check website for appropriate forms. 

16 MM Division (11th and 12th grade): $75/team

Team captains must be 18 years of age or older, or adult mentor must register and supervise team. Team captain is responsible for providing VAD with written evidence that each participant under 18 has obtained the prior written consent of a parent or legal guardian to participate in the 24-Hour Video Race. Check website for appropriate forms. 

Animal House Division (College): $50/team

One Person Orchestra Division: 1 member: $50

Old-Enough-to-Know-Better Division: $100/2+ members

Over 21; out of college



The screenings of the work of all the entrants will be Tuesday, March 31 and Wednesday, April 1 (no fooling!). Finalists will screen Thursday, April 2. If more than 60 teams sign up, finals will be moved to the following Monday. All screenings will take place at the Angelika Film Center – Dallas. 

The winning videos will be shown on the website, and on You+Media Dallas site and will be eligible to screen on KERA –TV Channel 13’s program “Frame of Mind.”

Team members should bring Race badges for admission to the screenings. (This includes teams who did not finish the Race.) Members of the general public can also attend. Admission is $6 for adults, $4 students with 12 and under getting in free. The screening schedule will be posted Monday, March 30. 


Sponsored by

  • Alford Media
  • Dallas Film Commission
  • KERA
  • Selig Polyscope Company
  • Sell.com
  • Texas Commission on the Art
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