FAHRENHEIT 11/9 - A Review by Cynthia Flores
Documentary filmmaker and America’s favorite #1 political provocateur, Michael Moore is in rare form with his new film Fahrenheit 11/9. A wink to his 2004...
GOD BLESS THE BROKEN ROAD - A Review by Cynthia Flores
If you love God, the military, and Stock car racing in that order, then this new film God Bless the Broken Road...
PEPPERMINT - A Review by Cynthia Flores
Calling all Alias TV show fans. Jennifer Garner is back to doing action stories. I know that she has done a lot to distance herself from...
KIN - A Review by Cynthia Flores
KIN is a slow burn new independent sci-fi story that by the end of it you’re set up for the next part of the story. Starting...
THE DARKEST MINDS - A Review by Cynthia Flores
This is the first of what will be at least three movies based on the eight and counting young adult book series written by...
FAR FROM THE TREE - A Review by Cynthia Flores
Far From The Tree is the touching documentary based on the hit book by the same name. It’s writer and narrator for this...
MCQUEEN - A Review by Cynthia Flores
Alexander McQueen was a brilliant young maverick London fashion designer who died way too soon. McQueen is a fitting documentary about a talented man and his...
DON'T WORRY, HE WON'T GET FAR ON FOOT - A Review by Cynthia Flores
Brilliant is the first word I would use to describe this new film from Gus Van Sant. Brutal would...