BLADE RUNNER 2049 – A Review by Hollywood Hernandez

BLADE RUNNER 2049 – A Review by Hollywood Hernandez
How do you make a sequel of a movie that many consider to be the greatest science fiction movie of all time? Well, that was the task that director Denis Villeneuve was given with Blade Runner 2049. His last movie was the 2016 sci-fi movie Arrival, which won Best Picture of the Year. So, you'd think he was up to the task. However, the sequel falls a bit short.
The movie takes place 30 years in the future from the original Blade Runner. Ryan Gosling is the new Blade Runner and he sets out to find the original Blade Runner (Harrison Ford) who disappeared 30 years ago and has never been heard from since. The problem for the former Blade Runner, Rick, (Ford) is that he meant to do that. He hasn't been missing; he's been in hiding. It's a secret that K (Gosling) discovers about a replicant that sends him in search of the old Blade Runner.
Most of the dark theme of the original movie made it to the remake and the story, although a little bit complicated, is a smooth transition from the first movie to the new one. The special effects are even more amazing, after 30 years of new technology have passed, and if you over think some of the premises in the movie it will really blow your mind. My recommendation is to just enjoy the movie as it plays out.
While not as good as the original, this movie comes darn close. At 2 hours and 43 minutes the movie runs a little long and it has an R rating for harsh language and some sexuality.
On my "Hollywood Popcorn Scale" I rate Blade Runner 2049 a LARGE.
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