LA’s Rich & Successful Film Festival 3 (RSFF 3), presented by Topcat Management, and co-presented by sogbots and the American Cinematheque, announced the lineup of films set to be presented on September...
The Asian Film Festival of Dallas (AFFD) announced the film lineup for this year's 23rd edition of the film festival. Taking place July 25-28, AFFD's Opening Night selection is Ning Hao's Chinese...
Dances With Films: LA announced its Filmmaker Award winners during a jubilant celebration at The TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood following the 27th edition of Los Angeles’ leading indie film festival. The Grand...
The IT CAME FROM TEXAS Film Festival makes its triumphant return to the Plaza Theatre in Garland, located at 521 W. State Street. The second annual IT CAME FROM TEXAS Film Festival, which...
Dallas VideoFest is proud to present the coveted Ernie Kovacs Award to musician, artist, and music video director Gerald Casale, best known for his work in DEVO, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept....
Austin’s Cine Las Americas announced the filmmaker award winners following the conclusion of a hugely successful 26th Anniversary edition of the Cine Las Americas International Film Festival (CLAIFF). Leading the list of films winning jury prizes...
The 2024 Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles kicks off tomorrow June 27th. Our Gadi Elkon spoke with IFFLA's founder and Executive Director Christina Marouda about the festival, highlights from the 21...
Filmmaker Dan Covert talked with our Gadi Elkon about Dan's feature film debut, his long history with Geoff McFetridge, and so much more.
Deeply thoughtful and illuminating, DRAWING A LIFE reveals the details...