Writer-director Gregory Nava, actor Gael García Bernal, cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto and Gabriel Figueroa Flores will celebrate the life and career of the renowned Mexican cinematographer Gabriel Figueroa on Tuesday, September 17, at...
The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA)and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (The Academy) are pleased to present Under the Mexican Sky: Gabriel Figueroa—Art and Film. The exhibition...
Unoosha aka Kiddy, the livewire singer from Maldives, is in India to sing her debut Hindi film song in Pooja Bhatt's Jism 3. Unoosha recorded the song on Tuesday at Tanay Studios, Andheri West.
Actor-entrepreneur Sachiin J Joshi is now back with his third film, Jackpot The Full Jhol. An exciting comic thriller set in Goa, the film helmed by Kaizad Gustad, will see Sachiin share...
Prasad Group, India’s largest post production house announced today that it has partnered with the T3Media, Inc. (formerly Thought Equity Motion)—a leading provider of cloud-based video management and licensing services— to provide content owners worldwide...
Chandra Talware lost her most of her hearing in an accident over two decades ago. But in her world of silence lay abundance of creativity, thoughts that were effortlessly weaved into words...