Dallas VideoFest 33 – DocuFest – Interview with MIRACLE FISHING Filmmaker Miles Hargrove

Dallas VideoFest 33 – Docufest kicks off tomorrow with a hybrid Drive-In / Virtual festival experience highlighting everything documentary.   Over 4 days features and short documentaries will either be virtually screened or shown at the Tin Star Drive-in Theater.  The opening night film is by Dallas resident Miles Hargrove.  His film Miracle Fishing is a gripping documentary that tells the personal reality of his father’s kidnapping on September 24th, 1994.  Miles immersive movie takes us on harrowing 334 day journey of trying to recover his father from FARC.  Join us as Miles and I discussed the movie, the team that helped in the struggle to get his father back and much more.

Interview with Filmmaker Miles Hargrove – MIRACLE FISHING.

The 25 year-long endeavor to take Miles own home footage of the nearly year-long kidnapping of his father has led to MIRACLE FISHING.  The powerful and unique look at the inner workings of the harrowing and haunting recover.  Throughout the film we see the ebb and flow of emotions that gripped the Hargrove family and their group of trusted friends.  Moments of touching humor and fearful panic showcase the amazing range seen through Miles VHS footage.  A documentary that honors the heroic qualities of everyone involved in bringing Tom Hargrove home to his family.

Here is our chat with Miles Hargrove.



MIRACLE FISHING Opens Dallas VideoFest 33 – Docufest tomorrow – Thursday Oct 1st at 7pm at Tin Star Theater.


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