Iconic animator and filmmaker Bill Plympton's latest work, Hitler's Folly, is available right now. That's right! Academy Nominated filmmaker Bill Plympton has put the entire film up on his website as a thank you to his fans. Before you jump to Plymptoons to watch the film, enjoy my interview with the legendary animator/filmmaker.
2016 should be a great year for Bill Plympton. Not only has he made Hitler's Folly free for his fan's, but later this year he brings us REVENGEANANCE. Bill talked with me on the phone about his latest endeavors in the animation world.
Interview Animator/Filmmaker Bill Plympton:
We started our chat by discussing why he chose to make Hitler's Folly free to his fans.
Audio PlayerThe animated film is a mockumentary on what if Hitler's artistic endeavors had held strong throughout his life. Or as Bill asks…
"In an alternate world, what if Hitler were a cartoonist?". Such an intriguing question, where did this idea come from?
Audio PlayerIn the film there are some really clever photoshopped moments and cue cards with funny quotes from other infamous Nazis. Bill expanded on the usage of real photos mixed with his sense of humor. And who knew that the Nazis created the t-shirt cannon gun seen at most sporting events?
Audio PlayerI asked Bill about making a WW II film and how much of a history nut he really is.
Audio PlayerBill gave a shout out to his independent nature and how it's lead to his outrageous sense of humor being seen by so many folks. As you'll hear, no studio would have the guts to make Bill's movies or art.
Audio PlayerLastly, I asked Bill about what's happening later this year for him.
Audio PlayerFor more information on Bill and to see Hitler's Folly please go to, PLYMPTOONS!