JOY RIDE – A Review by John Strange

JOY RIDE – A Review by John Strange

When a film pushes the word “raunchy” as much as Joy Ride has, you start to expect a film that is… raunchy, nearly soft porn.  That is what the trailer implies to me about the movie.  So, it was surprising to me that I decided to see and review this film.

What was the reason that I decided to take a chance on this film?  I can’t really tell you.  I walked in expecting, well…

And, for the most part, I wasn’t far off.  These ladies take the challenge of the recent plethora of modern “buddy” movies, referred to as “crass humor films” by one of my learned colleagues, and show us that they can do everything that the boys can do and maybe take it just a wee bit further!

Watching this film was an eye-opening laugh-out-loud embarrassingly good time.  The humor is low-brow, but somehow, the cast pulls off both the action and the humor. 

Then, just when you think is about to crash and burn, the film turns a corner, and the raunchy comedy becomes a “thoughtful friend comedy” with just the right touch of love and drama.

I truly hate to say it but, I went to a raunchy humor movie and most of the way through it, it turned into a true friends/love of family film.  And it worked! 

But!  (Isn’t there always a “but” about these films?)  If you cannot deal with drugs or raunchy sexual language and action, DO NOT see this film!  If you are a fan of the genre, you will have a good time!


Director: Adele Lim

Cast: Stephanie Hsu, Ashley Park, David Denman, Sherry Cola, Desmond Chiam, Annie Mumolo, Chris Pang, Alexander Hodge, Sabrina Wu, Isla Rose Hall, Debbie Fan, Sunghee Lapell, Victor Lau, Brianna Kim

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Selig Rating: 4.5 Stars

Runtime: 95 Min.

Release Date: 07/07/2023

Release Locations: Wide

Language: English

Movie Site: JOY RIDE Official Site

Trailer: JOY RIDE Trailer


The Selig Rating Scale:

5 Stars – Excellent movie/show, well worth the time and price.

4 Stars – Good movie/show

3 Stars – OK movie/show

2 Stars – Well, there was nothing else…

1 Star – Total waste of time.

John Strange
John Strange
Film reviewer who was raised from an early age to love the art form, I was watching films with the family before I could walk. I miss the plethora of drive-ins we once had in this country. I am a photographer who gets recognized occasionally at the events, society and film, that I attend.

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