LEAP OF FAITH – Interview with Filmmaker Nicholas Ma

Filmmaker Nicholas Ma talked with our Gadi Elkon about the feature documentary, LEAP OF FAITH.

Twelve diverse Christian leaders find hope and fellowship at a series of boundary-breaking retreats in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Brought together by Michael Gulker of The Colossian Forum, five women and seven men struggle with some of today’s most contentious issues. The divisions between them become apparent and test both their common belief in the universal importance of love and kindness and the bonds they build over the course of a year.

Nicholas talked with Gadi about the origins of this documentary, the time and work put into making a documentary of this nature, and so much more!

Here is our Interview with Filmmaker Nicholas Ma.

The doc is out in select theaters.

For more info, LEAP OF FAITH.

Gadi Elkon
Gadi Elkon
Israeli born. Texan raised. North Texas based.

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