Lone Star Premiere Event at The Studios at Las Colinas

This is the first entry in my “Doc’s Notes” section of this site. Periodically I will write about the places and people in my life as I work as a reviewer, photographer, and (hopefully) actor.
Tonight in 19 cities across Texas, Fox TV held special Premiere Events to show off their new series, “Lone Star”. The first episode airs on Monday, September 20, at 8 o’clock PM, the timeslot recently vacated by 24.
Gary Murray and I attended what was likely the best of the events at The Studios in Las Colinas, the studio where most of the series is being filmed. Filled with gourmet burgers and assorted elegant hors d’oeuvres we watched the pilot episode. Following the screening Fox 4’s Clarice Tinsley moderated a Q&A with two actors from the show, Mark Deklin (Trammell Thatcher, Robert’s brother-in-law) and Eloise Mumford (Lindsay, Robert’s Midland girlfriend).
The two were great as they described working with Jon Voight (patriarch Clint Thatcher) and David Keith (John, Robert’s father) and the challenges of working 14 hours a day, five days a week to get the episodes ready for air.  
The fun part of this type of event is seeing old friends and making new friends. Tonight was no exception as I ran into Bo Roberts and Randy James (KZPS 92.5 FM Lone Star), Janis Burklund (Dallas Film Commissioner), Meg Gould (Assistant Director at the Dallas Film Commission) and her sister Pat, Jeff West, and Justin Muller and his staff at Muller Entertainment, the folks who operate the Studios at Las Colinas.
John Strange
John Strangehttp://seligpolyscope.com
Film reviewer who was raised from an early age to love the art form, I was watching films with the family before I could walk. I miss the plethora of drive-ins we once had in this country. I am a photographer who gets recognized occasionally at the events, society and film, that I attend.
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