Hispanic Access Foundation announced the full selection of films being shown during Our Heritage, Our Planet Film Week. Featuring more than 40 films, the virtual festival will celebrate life through the stories of Latino, Black, Indigenous and other people of color with roots in nature – learning, experiencing, and uplifting the nexus between human communities and the lands, waterways, and ocean we call home. It will be held in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, following Indigenous People’s Day from Tuesday, October 11 to Friday, October 14, 2022, from 4-8 p.m. ET with FREE tickets available at https://bit.ly/OHOP2022.
“More than 400 Black, Indigenous, Latino and other people of color submitted their films to the first-ever Our Heritage, Our Planet Film Week,” said Maite Arce, president and CEO of Hispanic Access Foundation. “Not only are these films the life’s work and artistry of these amazing film makers, but these films represent stories that need to be known and shared worldwide. Through our film festival, we want to elevate their stories, culture and heritage, but we also want to start a dialogue between communities and decision-makers around the importance of engaging in climate action and policy.”
We work to intentionally create and curate a space for storytelling, dialog, learning, advocacy, and relationship building. One that brings together diverse audiences to celebrate their work, while uplifting the common threads of our experiences. We seek to create a space that can provide additional opportunities for funding, employment, education, and exposure for aspiring filmmakers of color.
The festival will be 100 percent virtual, free to attend for all, and will feature interactive discussions between artists, communities, and decision-makers on environmental topics. We will be showing a variety of short and feature films relating to the themes of Lands and Nature, Climate Crisis, Environmental Justice, and Ocean and Waterways. Below is the list of films selected to be shown during Our Heritage, Our Planet Film Week:
Tuesday, October 11 – Lands & Nature Day
Premiere of Frontera a Frontera Film Series *, Gregg Flores, United States
Coffee with Adão, Rich Wheat, Brazil
Wherever You Are, Wherever I Am,
OrHoDa, Tigris alt sakda, Canada
Barry the beekeeper, Ikram Ahmed, United Kingdom
MUJER ESPÍRITU, Adriana Ronquillo, Mexico
Seven Ridges, Antonio Coello, Mexico
Wednesday, October 12 – Climate Day
Premiere of Our Heritage, Our Planet grantee films: Outlier: Trust, Shared Seas, Joanne, and Surf Dreamers
I Was Just a Child, Breech Asher Marfil Harani, Philippines
Kintsugi II, Alejandra Cardona, Switzerland
Htrae, Rishav Sha, India
#ClimateWoke short films
Drumoh, Armando López Castañeda, Mexico
Checkmate Humanity, Jon Kiriac, Dominican Republic
Flight to Earth, Ignacio Rodó, Spain
Annabelle’s Aerodynamic Car, Philip Carr, United Kingdom
Agua Solar, Mario Orozco, Mexico
Premiere of Our Heritage, Our Planet grantee films: Food Access, Recreate With Respect
Thursday, October 13 – Environmental Justice Day
Before it’s too late, Alek Lean, Brazil
Titration: Radioactive Waste, Princeton, and the Navajo Nation, Michael Q. Ceballos, United States
STEM’d from my ancestors, Maliaq Kairaiuak, United States
Huwa Karu Yuxibu, Lara Jacoski, Brazil
The Improvement of Human Reason, Hossein Moradizadeh, Iran
Greenway, Jed Terrence Lee, United States
The Echo, Praveen, India
Friday, October 14 – Ocean & Waterways Day
Cartas de Amor: Letters to our Waterways Teaser *, Ashley Suarez-Burgos, United States
Águas Passadas – Past Waters, Denize Szabo, Brazil
The Krishna Cosmic Circle of Life, Maya Chandra, India
The small red, big blue, Hamed Nobari Asghar Besharati, Iran
De Panka, Alejandro Jose Espejo Arizaga, Ecuador
Marsh Clouds: the oysters of Harris Neck, Kevin Mannens, United States
Free to Swim, Okeremute Ovuorho, Nigeria
Women of the Wild, Molly Ferrill, Jaye Callahan, Mexico
Catch the Rain, Ajay Kumar, India
* Hispanic Access Film
Please reach out to conservation@hispanicaccess.org with any questions or visit https://ourheritageourplanet.org/ to learn more about the filmweek.