Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters


By Gary Murray

Starring Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario and Brandon T. Jackson

Written by Marc Guggenhiem and Rick Riordan

Based on the book by Rick Riordan 

Directed by Thor Freudenthal

Running time 106 min

MPAA Rating PG

Selig Film Rating Cable


Percy Jackson & the Lightening Thief was a mildly successful film from 2010 that did outstanding business in DVD.  The sequel is now upon us and it is entitled Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

This film takes up after the first one but this is its own complete adventure.  We are told that the ancient gods still sire children with mortals.  Percy is the son of Poseidon, one of the three original gods.  Along with Zeus and Hades, they are all sons of Cronus, the father of the gods.  There is prophesy that everyone believes is the destiny of Percy.

The story starts with a tale of how the protection of Camp Half-Blood came into being.  There is a fabled tale of how a group of Cyclopes killed many of the children.  The barrier was built on the sacrifice of a half-blood god child.

The action starts with Percy and the kids training and Percy losing a competition to another half-blood.  Then the barrier that protects the camp is breeched and a giant mechanical bull ravages the site.  It is the single most exciting moment of the film.  Percy uses his skills to stop the attack. 

With the barrier in disrepair, it is decided that someone must do something.  A group is sent out, a group that does not include Percy.  He, along with his friends, decides to take matters in their own hands.  It is believed that the Golden Fleece has the magical mojo to bring everything back to normal. 

Added to the plot are other half-bloods who want the Golden Fleece as the lynchpin to bringing about chaos.  They have a nefarious goal that Percy is being recruited for, a plan that could destroy their world.   Percy also finds that he has a brother, a brother who is a Cyclops.  This does not go over too well with the other Camp Half-Blood campers.   

The kids have to travel to the Sea of Monsters otherwise known as the Bermuda Triangle in order to find the Golden Fleece.  The film is a series of adventures both on land and on sea that culminate with our heroes becoming modern day Jonah’s. 

Eventually there is a giant CGI battle between the forces of good versus the forces of evil.  The film is more a series of adventures that culminate in a scene that feels like something out of Raiders of the Lost Ark.  When director Thor Freudenthal steals, he steals from the best.

Even though I saw the film, I do not remember any moment from Percy Jackson & the Lightening Thief.  It made such little impression on my brain that I have no true recollection to what it was about.  Thank goodness for a large memory on my computer where every review is stored.  So just by the process of elimination, this is a better film than the first one.  I actually remember this film. 

The effects of the film are mostly top-notch.  Some of the effects are a CGI marvel while others look like out-takes from The Beastmaster.  At one moment we get a magnificent sea horse rescuing our heroes and have to suffer through the Cyclops looking as bad as the make-up beast from Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me.  It is truly amazing to see how disjointed a series of effects in the same movie can be presented.

The guys of the film are all fairly milquetoast without leaving much of a cinematic impression.  It is the women who show some real spunk with their roles.  Both Alexandra Daddario and Leven Rambin put into their characters a degree of spark that is missing from their male counterparts.  They are more interesting to watch than the leads.

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters is not the kind of a movie that will win any awards.  It is a teen movie, much in the same way Twilight was.  The intended audience will find much to enjoy in the experience but I found the work to be just a little too rote.  And, it is definitely set up for a sequel.  

Gary Murray
Gary Murray
Gary Murray started writing film reviews and entertainment articles in 1989. He has worked for the North Dallas Movie Review, Entertainment Showcase and Currently he is writing for, and Selig Film services.

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