It was WONDERFUL to chat with documentary filmmaker Clare Lewins and retired NASA astronaut Cady Coleman about the amazing film, THE WONDERFUL: STORIES FROM THE SPACE STATION. The doc is out now...
For reference, I read the book about two years before. I liked the book initially, but to be honest, I don’t remember the plot too much. I do remember the character a...
Hell or High Water is a well paced modern western that straddles the perfect line of humor and reality. Writer Taylor Sheridan's witty and gritty script allows for incredible acting from Chris...
By: John ‘Doc’ Strange
On November 11, 1951, a member of the Coast Guard stationed on Cape Cod, Bernie Webber (Chris Pine), had a date with a woman he had never...
By: John ’Doc’ Strange
Directed by: Peter Berg
Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, Yousuf Azami, Ali Suliman, Eric Bana
MPAA Rating: R (for strong bloody war violence and pervasive language)
By Gary 'Hitman' Murray
Starring Jason Statham, Ben Foster and Donald Sutherland
Written by Richard Wenk and Lewis John Carlino
Directed by Simon West
Running time 92 min
MPAA Rating R
Selig Film Rating Cable
January is...