Tag: Blue Fox Entertainment

LOST ON A MOUNTAIN IN MAINE – Interview with Lead Actor Luke David Blumm

Luke David Blumm plays Donn Fendler in the new feature film LOST ON A MOUNTAIN IN MAINE.  Luke and our Gadi Elkon talk about the role, the team and so much more! Based...

LOST ON A MOUNTAIN IN MAINE – Interview with Director Andrew Boodhoo Kightlinger

Director Andrew Boodhoo Kightlinger talked with our Gadi Elkon about LOST ON A MOUNTAIN IN MAINE. Based on the best-selling book of the same name, "Lost on a Mountain in Maine" tells the...

HARD MILES – A Review by John Strange

HARD MILES - A Review by John Strange Ridgeview Academy houses youths who otherwise would be in prison.  The staff works hard at rehabilitating the young men so they can return to the...

UPROAR – A Review by John Strange

UPROAR - A Review by John Strange 1981 New Zealand.  Rugby is king.  Everyone feels that there is no tension between the races.  And then the South African Rugby team tours the country. ...

THE END OF SEX – Interview with Director Sean Garrity and Writer/Lead Actor Jonas Chernick

An awkward and awesomely hilarious Canadian wave of humor is coming to a theater near you.  Writer/Actor Jonas Chernick and frequent collaborator and Director Sean Garrity have re-united with Actress Emily Hampshire...

NEVER TOO LATE – A Review by Cynthia Flores

NEVER TOO LATE - A Review by Cynthia Flores This Australian movie is a bonafide feel-good film. And I don't know about you, but I could use some good vibes right about now....

IN LIKE FLYNN – A Review by Cynthia Flores

  IN LIKE FLYNN - A Review by Cynthia Flores This film In Like Flynn was a result of the travels of Corey Large and Luke Flynn who were going through Australia in the...

SUMMER 03 – A Review by Cynthia Flores

  SUMMER 03 - A Review by Cynthia Flores   I am surprised that this new film, Summer 03, doesn’t have a rating.  Because of its portrayal of underage drinking and sexual activity, I’m guessing...

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