Tag: Bluray

Friends: The Complete Series (Bluray)

“Friends”, for those of you who have been living under a rock (or in Arkansas) for the past ten years, was a series about 6 single twenty-somethings living in New York. Well,...

Ghosts of the Abyss 3D (Bluray)

There are times when I’m really envious of some people in the entertainment business. It’s rarely for the fame, the money or all the little benefits fame can bring. Generally it’s for...

The Walking Dead: Season 2 (Bluray)

The success of AMC’s “The Walking Dead” is an interesting dichotomy in that it is both a surprise and no surprise.  Surprising that a series this well written, acted and produced has...

Jaws 35th Anniversary (Bluray/DVD Combo)

Just when you thought it was safe to put a Bluray into your player again…. (I know… I know… I just had to.) When “Jaws” was originally released into theatres in the summer of...

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