The Dallas Film Society is ringing in 2014 with a celebratory and grateful spirit for all of the generous donations from 234 supporters across the globe. The Dallas Film Society exceeded their...
The Dallas Film Society honored the achievements of acclaimed filmmaker Lee Daniels at its annual fall fundraising event, The Art of Film.
The Dallas Film Society honored the achievements of acclaimed filmmaker Lee Daniels at its annual fall fundraising event, The Art of Film.
The Dallas Film Society honored the achievements of acclaimed filmmaker Lee Daniels at its annual fall fundraising event, The Art of Film.
The Dallas Film Society honored the achievements of acclaimed filmmaker Lee Daniels at its annual fall fundraising event, The Art of Film.
The Dallas Film Society, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that celebrates films and their impact on society, has announced it will honor filmmaker Lee Daniels at the annual fall benefit event, The...
The Dallas Film Society, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that celebrates films and their impact on society, has appointed three of Dallas’ leading business men to its Board of Directors with Ellen Needham...
The Dallas Film Society has announced it is collaborating with the Highland Park Centennial Committee to present a summer Highland Park Film Festival as part of the town’s year-long centennial celebration. The...