Presented by Toyota Motor North America for the third time, the 8th annual Dallas/Fort Worth South Asian Film Festival (DFW SAFF), produced by Texas-based media conglomerate, JINGO Ventures, occupies a new home...
The Dallas/Fort Worth South Asian Film Festival (DFW SAFF), created by New York and Dallas-based arts and entertainment company JINGO Media, was honored at the Texas Governor's Small Business Forum with the...
Now in its third year, the Dallas/Fort Worth South Asian Film Festival (DFW SAFF), taking place from March 3rd to 5that the Perot Museum (downtown Dallas) and AMC Village on the Parkway 9 (Addison),...
Now in its third year, the Dallas/Fort Worth South Asian Film Festival (DFW SAFF), taking place from March 3rd to 5that the Perot Museum (downtown Dallas) and AMC Village on the Parkway 9 (Addison),...