Tag: Mapplethorpe

MAPPLETHORPE THE DIRECTOR’S CUT – Interview with Filmmaker Ondi Timoner

Filmmaker Ondi Timoner complete version of her biopic about artist Robert Mapplethorpe is finally available!  MAPPLETHORPE, THE DIRECTOR'S CUT is the full film that Ondi envisioned and gives the whole story behind...

AGLIFF Interview with Program Director Jim Brunzell

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARcTHTYQyjc The 31st All Genders, Lifestyles, and Identities Film Festival (aGLIFF) begins tomorrow evening.  Screening exclusively at Alamo Drafthouse Lamar in Austin, Tx on September 6-9th, aGLIFF will open with PJ Ravel's, CALL...

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