GLADIATOR II - A Review by John Strange
I am always apprehensive when studios come out with sequels years after the first film. Most times I am disappointed with scripts that are simply...
THE WILD ROBOT - A Review by Jenn Rohm
Based on the children’s book series by Peter Brown, The Wild Robot is now an animated film. Filled with important lessons for us all...
THE WILD ROBOT - A Review by John Strange
Some animated films are aimed at kids. Some are written for adults (but marketed to kids anyway). And then there are those films that...
The website for this film is titled NickCage(.)Movie and I think that perfectly captures the unique oddity of this hilarious film. Here is my full review of The Unbearable Weight of Massive...
The Great Wall of China + Matt Damon + CGI monster movie = Zhang Yimou's "The Great Wall." It's an over-the-top and under-whelming fantasy action movie with large-scale special effects. While there are definitely...