Tag: Ric Roman Waugh

GREENLAND – A Review by John Strange

GREENLAND - A Review by John Strange Greenland, like its predecessors Armageddon and Deep Impact (both from 1998) posits what might happen should a large enough rock (or comet) strike the Earth.  Each...

ANGEL HAS FALLEN – A Review by Hollywood Hernandez

  ANGEL HAS FALLEN - A Review by Hollywood Hernandez After saving the White House, then saving England, Mike Banning (Gerrard Butler) has to prove his own innocence in Angel Has Fallen after being...


SNITCH   By Gary Tattletale Murray Starring Dwayne Johnson, Susan Sarandon and Jon Bernthal Written by Justin Haythe and Ric Roman Waugh Directed by Ric Roman Waugh Running time 112 min MPAA Rating PG-13 Selig Film Rating—Free TV   Dwayne ‘The Rock”...

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