Tag: silent films

The Goat and the Silent Film Revival

In 2012, Dallas VideoFest presented the silent film Man with a Movie Camera accompanied by composer Jack Waldenmaier's brilliant score. That set off a new interest in reviving these cherished silent films...

Night of Storytelling: Robert J. Flaherty’s Lost Film is Found After 78 Years

In 2013, the Irish Film Institute received a call from the Harvard Film Archive about a lost film called Oidhche Sheanchais (Night of Storytelling). What is extraordinary about the find is that this...

27th Galway Film Fleadh – Preview

In the picturesque city by the sea, locals and volunteers are getting ready to welcome film lovers to the annual Galway Film Fleadh in Galway, Ireland July 7-12. Now in its 27th...

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