THE HUMAN FACTOR – A Review By Susan Kandell Wilkofsky

  THE HUMAN FACTOR What might have been film review by Susan Kandell Wilkofsky In 2012, director Dror Moreh’s film The Gatekeepers (which was nominated for an Academy Award), featured interviews with the surviving former heads...

THE HUMAN FACTOR – A Review by Cynthia Flores

THE HUMAN FACTOR - A Review by Cynthia Flores A line from a song of the now-iconic musical Hamilton sets up this compelling documentary by filmmaker Dror Moreh best:  “I, I wanna be in...

THE HUMAN FACTOR – A Review by John Strange

THE HUMAN FACTOR - A Review by John Strange Over the course of the last year, I have reviewed films from my home from film festivals all over the country.  Several of these...

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