This Isn’t Funny – DIFF Interviews with Katie Page, Paul Ashton and Lije Sarkie

The Dallas International Film Festival has showcased in its 9 years that it has an eye for real gems.  Stellar shorts, hard hitting documentaries, bold period films, international delights and in this year's case a non-stop comedy riot.  I've screened nearly 70 films at this year's festival and hands down This Isn't Funny is in my top 5 overall films at #DIFF2015.  Director & Co-Writer Paul Ashton, Co-Writer/Star Katie Page and Producer Lije Sarkie took part in Red Carpet and Studio interviews with me.

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Chemistry on screen can be difficult to achieve, but not for Katie and Paul.  There back and forth banter is honest, raw and always hysterical.  I'll let our fun Red Carpet Interview be example of this amazing connection.

For more information on their funny web series go, here.

This Isn't Funny is nicely split into three time frames according to the relationship statues of the film's two dynamic leads.  The structure of the plot can also be broken up into three elements.  First is the romantic love story of the leads.  Second is the comedy club routines of amazingly talented group of comedians.  Lastly is the quirky group of friends, co-workers and parents that make up the duo's support system.  In particular the parents stand out in some terrific scenes.  Mimi Rogers plays Katie Page's character Eliot's mom with a mixture of overt concern/worry and motherly pride.  Eliot (Katie Page) has a tense and biting relationship with her father Christoffer (David Pasquesi).  David is a gift of a casting choice as he plays the awkward humor and then the stoic nature of having to compromise all while first meeting his daughter's new lover.  On the other side,  Paul Ashton's character Jamie is having to deal with his parents divorce.  Mark Harelik and Angie Miliken play the broken couple pushing towards a mutual divorce.  Anthony Lapaglia is flamboyantly fun as the wheat grass loving Mike.  He seems to effortlessly steal every scene he's in. Jamie's best friend Ryan (Edi Gathegi) is one of the more intriguing characters in the film and it's his wild antics that propel Jamie's character.  A tremendously talented cast of actors and comedians keep the excitement level high throughout the entire film.  In the movie there are sprinkled in touching and real elements of seriousness that are always apparent but rarely distract from the comedy or romantic elements of the film.  All of this and much more were discussed in my sit down studio interview with Katie, Paul and producer Lije Sarkie.

Keep tuned into for all the Red Carpet and Studio interviews.  And like This Isn't Funny on Facebook, you'll not want to miss this future hit.

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Gadi Elkon
Gadi Elkon
Israeli born. Texan raised. North Texas based.
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