UNHINGED – A Review by Hollywood Hernandez

UNHINGED – A Review by Hollywood Hernandez

After more than four months, movie theaters are opening back up and they chose to get things rolling with a cruel, unimaginative film filled with gratuitous violence, Unhinged, starring a portly Russell Crowe. He looks like he did a lot of snacking during the pandemic.

Crowe plays a character whose character doesn’t even have a name in the movie credits. He’s referred to simply as “The Man.” And the man is seriously unstable emotionally. After a split with his wife he feels as if the whole world is against him. He is so unstable that a car horn in busy traffic from a mother driving her son to school (actress Caren Pistorius) sets him off.

At a traffic standstill he asks the woman for an apology and after her response is, I have nothing to apologize for, “The Man” becomes hellbent on making her have the worst day of her life. The only believable part of the story is encountering someone with road rage in traffic. The other parts of the film are just too over the top to enjoy.

He runs over people, stabs someone in a coffee shop and crashes into cars like he was in a demolition derby. All the while he is pursuing the woman who wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of an apology.

The ending is pretty predictable. After following the woman home, he proceeds to assault the woman and her son, and you know what happens in movies when a mother is forced to protect her child. I think it’s a good idea to wait for the next movie that comes out before you mask up and practice social distancing at the movies. Most doctors advise against going to a movie theater right now anyway, and Unhinged is simply not worth the risk.

Unhinged has a run time of 1 hour and 30 minutes and is rated R for violence. On my “Hollywood Popcorn Scale” Unhinged rates a SMALL.

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