AFF 2015 – Audience Award Winner – A Single Frame – Interview

Austin audiences got it right with, A Single Frame.  Director Brandon Dickerson and Producer/Subject Jeff Bowden sat down w/ Selig at AFF 2015.  Click through for our interview and also more information about the special MLK day screening of the film with Jeff and Brandon in attendance.

A Single Frame, is a documentary that highlights the extreme virtue of a inquistive Jeff Bowden with the universal connection of humanity seen in a single photo. 

Here is our interview with A Single Frame's Director Brandon Dickerson & Producer/Subject Jeff Bowden at AFF 2015.

Don't miss out on seeing this powerful documentary!  AFF and Hiscox Insurance are putting on a special MLK Day screening with Brandon and Jeff in attendance.  For more information about this event please go, HERE.

For more information on the film please go, here.

Croatia, Vukovar. Nov. 91. Armed Serb civilians enjoye the fall of Vukovar after Yugoslav Army defeated the Croats and had the town under their control.  PH: Alexandra BOULAT / VII AB00020017
Gadi Elkon
Gadi Elkon
Israeli born. Texan raised. North Texas based.

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