ANYTHING – A Review by Cynthia Flores

ANYTHING – A Review by Cynthia Flores
Loving takes courage especially after a great loss.  This new film Anything is the feature debut of writer/director Timothy McNeil.  It’s a tender study of grief and love.  
Following the sudden death of his childhood sweetheart and wife of twenty-six years, Early Landry (John Carroll Lynch) attempts suicide.  His sister Laurette (Maura Tierney) forces him to move from his peaceful small town in Mississippi to the loud and faced-paced Los Angeles.  After a few months of living with his sister and her family, Early decides it’s best to get some distance between him and his overprotective sister.  So, he rents a small place in Hollywood – the building is more of a gathering of bungalows, two stories high and once very fashionable but now home to a lot of sad people that are just getting by in the mean city of angels.  Early is intrigued by it all but sticks out like a sore thumb, a middle aged man in his long sleeve shirts and thick southern accent among the hipsters, hustlers, and musicians that call this place home.
Soon, he meets his prostitute neighbor Freda (Matt Bomer), a beautiful transgender woman who finds Early every bit as exotic as he finds her.  The two lonely hearts begin a friendship that turns into something else.
Anything is not a perfect film.  There are a few scenes that just didn’t work for me, but the film itself does.  Matt Bomer is a cisgender actor playing a part that some people believe should have been done by an actual transgender actress.  I don’t know why they cast it this way but it still works.  Speaking of casting, John Carroll Lynch who plays Early is just wonderful.  He really shines in this part of the broken hearted quintessential southern gentleman who is gracious, genteel, and loquacious.  The film is worth seeing for his performance alone.  I give this movie a solid B+ rating and hope you will take a moment to seek it out and enjoy a lovely story of love in all its different forms.
Directed by Timothy McNeil
Written By Timothy McNeil
Rated R
Selig Rating B+
Running Time 93 min
Limited Release May 18th AMC Grapevine Mills
Starring John Carroll Lynch, Matt Bomer, Maura Tierney 
The Selig Rating Scale:
A – Excellent movie, well worth the price.
B – Good movie
C – OK movie
D – No need to rush. Save it for a rainy day.
F – Good that I saw it on the big screen but wish I hadn't paid for it.

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