Austin Film Festival 2015 – Dark Matters Feature Winner – REPARATION – Interview with Writer/Director Kyle Ham

The AFF 2015 film festival has proven to be one of the real talent finders in the festival circuit.  Easily my favorite film festival to meet new and wonderful people.  The awards for the festival have been given and we'd like to celebrate a few of the winners with our Award's series.  First up is the AFF 2015 Dark Matters Feature Winner – Reparation.  Writer/Director/Producer Kyle Ham was our very first interview at this year's festival and the film one of my real gem picks for the festival.  Click through for our in-depth and spoiler rich interview.

When I screened reparation I was immediately hooked into the unique structure of the script and the tremendously open performances.  It was really the first film at the festival that caught my eye.  I wrote down a few choices words, lines and facts that caught my eye after seeing the film and doing some light online searching about the filmmakers.

Words:  Feature Debut – Kickstarter – Marc Menchaca & Jon Huertas = quality! – filmed in Grencastle, Indiana.

And unlike any other filmmaker I got to interview I wrote down specific lines from the film.  I was so intrigued by the sense of humor and serious tones that battled throughout Kyle Ham and Steve Timm's vibrant script.

Lines: "That's What You Get for Driving a 71' P.O.S.".

I asked Writer/Producer/Director Kyle Ham about that line and much more in this in-depth sit down interview. 

For more information about Reparation please go, here.

The full Austin Film Festival 2015 award winners.

Gadi Elkon
Gadi Elkon
Israeli born. Texan raised. North Texas based.

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