Animated fantasy thriller, THE SPINE OF NIGHT, held it's World Premiere at SXSW 2021 last night. The film is a uber violent throwback animation to the days of Ralph Bakshi and Frank...
"One Painting, A Century of Jewish Life." - STILL LIFE IN LODZ.
Here is our interview with Documentary Filmmaker Slawomir Grunberg.
The stirring mystery begins inside an ordinary-seeming tenement apartment where a painting has...
Actor Simon Bird's feature film debut is a quirky and touching adaptation of a graphic novel. The film stars Monica Dolan, Earl Cave, and Rob Brydon in this lovely peek into a...
Author, entrepreneur, podcaster, and mother Monica Samuels chatted with Selig Film News about INSIDE THE MOM'S CLUB Podcast and so much more!
I got to chat with Plano native Monica Samuels about her...
Out today is one of the year's best films in JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH. An in-depth look into the rise and tragic assassination of Black Panther Party Chairman Fred Hampton the...
Just in time for Valentine's Day comes an imaginative and uplifting story of young love. Based on a short story by Lev Grossman we are treated to an inventive and enlightening take...
SUPERNOVA is a woeful road trip film from Writer Director Harry Macqueen. The movie is a showcase piece for Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci who play an aged couple battling time and...
Writer/Director Hazel McKibbin makes her directorial debut in the shorts program at Sundance 2021 Film Festival. DOUBLESPEAK is a chilling look at sexual harassment in the workplace. Hazel and her star from...