DISTURBING THE PEACE – A Review by Cynthia Flores


DISTURBING THE PEACE – A Review by Cynthia Flores

This film will not win any awards, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun.  It’s a no-name, low budget independent film that managed to get Guy Pearce to play the lead.  Disturbing the Peace tells the story of a peaceful small-town marshall Jim Dillon (Guy Pearce) who hasn’t carried a gun since he left the Texas Rangers.  He’s haunted by a tragic shooting involving his Texas Ranger partner.  On this sunny day in his small town, he’s forced to pick up his gun again.  He has to do battle with a gang of outlaw bikers that don’t think twice about killing innocent people.  They are led by Diablo (Devon Sawa), a bitter but smart man who grew up in that same town.  The bikers are there to pull off a brazen and violent heist involving an armored truck with millions of dollars from the local casino.

Disturbing the Peace has a script that’s sometimes a little clunky.  But the fact that it’s a loving homage to the westerns that people like John Wayne and Kirk Douglas used to star in makes it easier to forgive its missteps.  I think that’s part of the movie’s charm.  That, and watching Guy Pearce walk around the town just like “The Duke” would have, owning the sidewalk.  The action scenes are pretty good, especially the fight scenes between the Marshall’s girlfriend Catie Reynolds (Kelly Greyson) and the bikers.  It’s fun to see a woman go toe-to-toe with her opponents.

I give Disturbing The Peace a B- rating.  If you like films where you can cheer out loud for the good guys, then this is a movie for you.


Directed by: York Alec Shackleton

Written by: Chuck Hustmyer

Rated R

Selig Rating B-

Running Time: 1h 31min


Limited Release: January 17th MacArthur Irving and VOD

Starring: Guy Pearce, Devon Sawa, Barbie Blank, Kelly Greyson


The Selig Rating Scale:

A – Excellent movie, well worth the price.

B – Good movie

C – OK movie

D – No need to rush. Save it for a rainy day.

F – Good that I saw it on the big screen but wish I hadn’t paid for it.

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