FAHRENHEIT 11/9 – A Review by Cynthia Flores

FAHRENHEIT 11/9 – A Review by Cynthia Flores
Documentary filmmaker and America’s favorite #1 political provocateur, Michael Moore is in rare form with his new film Fahrenheit 11/9.  A wink to his 2004 mega-hit Fahrenheit 9/11 about his searing examination of the Bush administration’s actions in the wake of the tragic events of 9/11.  Well now it’s President Trump's turn to face the daring and daunting Mr. Moore who makes his points that Trump is a tyrant, liar, racist and merely a symptom and not the cause of our broken political system.
His over-use of media footage with the source superimposed over the image is annoying at times.  I prefer the original footage he creates.  However, his wicked sense of humor about the absurdity of it all caries the film along from one obscene political offense to the next.  He lets us know that he predicted that Trump would be elected (which he did) and then asks the question, “How the fuck did this happen?” Then, he spends the rest of the film laying it all out for us.  It’s not all bad news; he covers the everyday people at the grassroots level that are trying to take back the political process and get things done before it’s too late.
Whether you agree with his politics or not, Michael Moore's new documentary Fahrenheit 11/9 is a rousing film that depending on your point of view will piss you off or scare the hell out of you.  I give it a solid B+ rating.
Directed by Michael Moore
Written By Michael Moore
Rated R
Selig Rating B+
Running Time 2hr 5min
Drama / Comedy
Wide Release September 21st  
Starring: David Hogg, Michael Moore, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Donald J. Trump
The Selig Rating Scale:
A – Excellent movie, well worth the price.
B – Good movie
C – OK movie
D – No need to rush. Save it for a rainy day.
F – Good that I saw it on the big screen but wish I hadn't paid for it.

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