The feature film debut of filmmaker Tony Ahedo is a harrowing tale of life spiraling out of control. The film stars Devon Hales and Parker Padgett as our star-crossed lovers who deal with the harsh realities of teenage lust. Tony, Devon and Parker joined our Gadi Elkon for a lovely chat about the film and much more!
A coming-of-age feature debut from Florida-native filmmaker Tony Ahedo. Sam (Parker Padgett) is in the prime of his life—senior year, carefree, good friends, and a new girlfriend, Ana(Devon Hales). When a surprise pregnancy forces Sam to face the realities of adulthood and responsibility, things spiral out of control, as he simultaneously tries to fight to find his own truth: why his dad hasn’t been in his life since one, fading memory
In their discussion the talent and Writer/Director talk Florida location, Teenage antics and even skateboarding.
Here is our chat with Filmmaker Tony Ahedo and Actors Parker Padgett and Devon Hales:
ICON is streaming 8/1/2022 on Vudu, Amazon, Vimeo, Overdrive, Hoopla, and local cable networks like Xfinity, Charter Spectrum, and Cox Communications.
For more info, ICON.