IN SEARCH OF GREATNESS – A Review by Cynthia Flores

IN SEARCH OF GREATNESS – A Review by Cynthia Flores
The new documentary In Search of Greatness opens with the quote “All inventive and creative people, they’re not hung up on fixed definitions of what any form of life or reality may be.”  Then we are treated to clips from some of the greatest athletes in several areas, boxing, football, soccer, hockey, and tennis.  The film goes into depth why in every field, sports or music, there are some who soar above the rest.  This is not a story of who: Jordan, Williams, Ali, Gretzky, Rice, Pele; instead this is the story of why.
Excellent archival footage and new sit down interviews with Wayne Gretzky, Jerry Rice, and Pele are edited together seamlessly.  The director of this film makes the point that the modern way of measuring speed, arm length, height, and ability to lift weights as the only way to spot or train up new great players is not correct.  There is a missing element that goes beyond genetics and is closely linked to the ability to obsess over techniques in an attitude of play, and the intellect to learn quickly.
All the greats tell stories of playing out in the fields or streets as a kid in other sports than the ones they became great in.  They’re all worried that this move to have children at very young ages specialize in just one field in a very structured system is the wrong way to go about it.  It will choke out the kind of creativity that all the legends in sports or music showed.
In Search of Greatness is a powerful documentary about that magic in a bottle that some people seem to have.  If you are a fan of Gretzky, Rice, or Pele, then you will see another side of your heroes.  I give this film a solid B+ rating and hope you will seek it out on the big screen or VOD.
Directed by Gabe Polsky
Written By Gabe Polsky  
Rated NR
Selig Rating B+
Running Time 1hr 20min
Drama / Comedy
Limited Release AMC North Park October 2nd  
Starring: Wayne Gretzky, Jerry Rice, Pele  
The Selig Rating Scale:
A – Excellent movie, well worth the price.
B – Good movie
C – OK movie
D – No need to rush. Save it for a rainy day.
F – Good that I saw it on the big screen but wish I hadn't paid for it.
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