LOCKED OUT – Interview with Filmmakers Kate Davis and Luchina Fisher

Documentary Locked Out just won the best documentary feature at American Black Film Festival in Miami.  Filmmakers Kate Davis and Luchina Fisher talked with our Gadi Elkon about the film, the team and much more!

Owning a home — the cornerstone of generational wealth — is increasingly out of reach for people of color, impacting women the most. In Detroit, Black women face scammers and evictions, as they fight modern-day redlining to help make The American Dream a reality for all.

Filmmakers Kate Davis and Luchina Fisher talked with Gadi about the logistics behind making a documentary of this nature and scope.  They dived into the team, the incredible African-American women who allowed their stories to be told, and so much more.

Here is our interview with Filmmakers Kate Davis and Luchina Fisher:

For more info on the film, LOCKED OUT.

For more info on Kate Davis.

For more info on Luchina Fisher.

Gadi Elkon
Gadi Elkon
Israeli born. Texan raised. North Texas based.

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