SILVER HAZE – Interview with Writer/Director Sacha Polak and Star Vicky Knight

This Friday is the release of SILVER HAZE a gripping film based on elements of Vicky Knight’s real life.  Filmmaker Sacha Polak and Star Vicky Knight talked with our Gadi Elkon about Silver Haze, Dark Star Pics and so much more!

Fifteen years after she got burnt when the pub where she slept as a child caught fire, Franky (23) seeks revenge because she still hasn’t found any answers.

Vicky and Sacha talked with me about their 2nd collaboration and how Silver Haze further showcases Vicky’s harrowing real-life story.  We discuss working with Dark Star Pictures and their small team to make an intimate film that is vibrant and dramatic throughout.

Here is our Interview with Filmmaker Sacha Polak and Actress Vicky Knight:

The film releases in theaters on March 1st and VOD on March 12th via Dark Star Pictures.


Gadi Elkon
Gadi Elkon
Israeli born. Texan raised. North Texas based.

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