LOST IN THE SHUFFLE – A Review by Jenn Rohm

LOST IN THE SHUFFLE – A Review by Jenn Rohm

I have a strong childhood memory of being at my grandparents’ house, and inside the door was a table and two chairs.  In the drawer of that table was where you would find the Old Maid and Go Fish deck.  As I got older, I realized there were also a couple of decks of standard playing cards.  You would also find a deck in the first top drawer where you entered the kitchen.  Years later, one of the storylines for the show Sex in the City included a character that collected the random cards they would find on the street in hopes of one day having a full deck worth.  Playing cards are one of the few items with a standard setup and look worldwide.  They are an everyday item that I have never given much thought to. 

For a sleight-of-hand magician, lots of time can be spent thinking about cards, their history, and the stories they can tell.  World champion and fourth-generation magician Shawn Farquhar has a theory about the death of King Charles VIII that took place over 400 years ago.  Lost in the Shuffle is a documentary that takes us across the globe as he searches for the truth.

Along the journey, we are shown some of the history behind cards, how earlier versions were made, and a bit of France’s history. The goal is a new script for Farquhar that presents his theory and features skills used by Alexandra Duvivier, Juan Tamariz, Richard Turner, and Michael Vincent.  (script = card trick/act it includes planned dialog and actions to assist with engaging the audience)  The film consists of conversations with friends and historians, footage from a few collections, some animation, and card tricks.

The information is digestible and entertaining, with fantastic visuals that show the beauty of the cities Farquhar visits.  His passion for this art and his engagement with others kept my attention to the point that I never looked at the clock until it was over.  There are some interviews in French and some in Spanish, for which English subtitles are provided.  Everyone who was included delivers the information in a way that respects the viewer’s intelligence and allows them to understand it without further research.

If you have one hour and forty minutes, want to be entertained, and learn a little history, this film is worth watching. Make sure to stay through the credits, as there is one last fact shared that is almost mind-blowing if you think about it too hard.


Director: Jon Ornoy

Written By: Jon Ornoy

Cast: Shawn Farquhar, Alexandra Duvivier, Juan Tamariz, Richard Turner, Michael Vincent

Genres: Documentary

Selig Rating: 3.5 stars

Runtime: 1h 40m

Video on Demand Release: September 10, 2024

Trailer:  Lost in the Shuffle trailer

Website: Lost in the Shuffle website


The Selig Rating Scale:

5 Stars – Excellent movie/show, well worth the time and price.

4 Stars – Good movie/show

3 Stars – OK movie/show

2 Stars – Well, there was nothing else…

1 Star – Total waste of time.

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