MA – A Review by Hollywood Hernandez

MA – A Review by Hollywood Hernandez

Ma stars Octavia Spencer as a single middle-aged mom who buys some spirits for a group of high school kids.  The story starts out innocently with Spencer, who plays Su Ann, just buying some booze for the underage kids.

Then Ma, who was bullied in school, enjoys being one of the popular kids.  She develops contact information using social media and begins to stalk the kids.  Once the kids get tired of Ma’s constant contact they block her, but she gets a new phone and the stalking continues.

This is a real “formula film” made to make you squirm, and it does a pretty good job of doing that.  Tate Taylor, who also directed Spencer in The Help, has made a campy and funny film that will keep you entertained throughout.

Octavia Spencer continues to make history as the first African American woman in the lead role of a suspense/thriller movie.  The last 30 minutes will leave you on the edge of your seat.  The movie is rated “R” for some really creepy violence, especially at the end.

Ma has a run time of 1 hour and 39 minutes.  On my “Hollywood Popcorn Scale” I rate Ma a LARGE.

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