Old West Theme Park Burns

(People here in North Texas have used Old Fort Davis many times to shoot their western-themed independent films so, yes, this is a bad thing to happen!  -Doc)


North Texas lost a significant chunk of its Old West heritage earlier today when six of 40 buildings at the Old Fort Davis theme park in Wilmer went up in flames.

More: http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/weird/Old-West-Theme-Park-Burns-106913468.html?__source=Newsletter-Daily

John Strange
John Strangehttp://seligpolyscope.com
Film reviewer who was raised from an early age to love the art form, I was watching films with the family before I could walk. I miss the plethora of drive-ins we once had in this country. I am a photographer who gets recognized occasionally at the events, society and film, that I attend.

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