PARIS IS IN HARLEM – Interview with Filmmaker Christina Kallas

Filmmaker Christina Kallas talked with our Gadi Elkon about her latest film, PARIS IS IN HARLEM.

PARIS IS IN HARLEM was at this year’s Slamdance Film Festival and Christina jumped on zoom to talk with Gadi about completing her New York trilogy.  Her latest film dives into the web like quality of the Big Apple.  The film tackles familiar themes of gender identity, sexist and racist elements in our world, and the charming elements of the people and places of NYC.

Synopsis wise – Paris is in Harlem is a multi-character mosaic set in 2017, on the day that New York City’s infamous Cabaret or “No Dancing” Law was repealed after 98 years of institutional racism targeting musicians and business owners of color. It follows several characters through separate but intertwined storylines that converge one winter night during a shooting at a jazz bar in Harlem. This is a film about life and death, structured like the most freewheeling of American art forms: Jazz–ultimately telling the story of a neighborhood, a city and an America that will find a way to dance again.

Here is my in-depth chat with Filmmaker Christina Kallas:


Gadi Elkon
Gadi Elkon
Israeli born. Texan raised. North Texas based.

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