PEPPERMINT – A Review by Cynthia Flores

PEPPERMINT – A Review by Cynthia Flores
Calling all Alias TV show fans.  Jennifer Garner is back to doing action stories.  I know that she has done a lot to distance herself from the iconic role of double agent Sydney Bristow, but this new film feels like a perfect fit for her badass self.
This new film from director Pierre Morel, who gave us films like Taken and From Paris with Love fits perfect in his wheel well of people that you don’t want to mess with.
In Peppermint, we see a mother, Riley North (Jennifer Garner), who watches as a corrupt justice system fails her in putting away the men who shot down and killed her husband Chris (Jeff Hephner) and young daughter Carly (Cailey Fleming) right in front of her.  She disappears for five years after robbing the bank she worked for and trains to become a vigilante so she can avenge her family and bring a bloody reckoning.
You will cheer for Riley as she systematically doles out her form of justice and leaves a high body count in her wake.   
Peppermint is fast-paced and fun to watch. I give this film a solid B rating. It’s a nice way to wrap up this summer of action movies before the fall dramatic heavy hitters begin.
Directed by Pierre Morel
Written by Chad St. John
Rated R
Selig Rating B
Running Time 1 hr 42 min
Wide Release September 6th
Starring: Jennifer Garner, John Gallager Jr., John Ortiz, Juan Pablo Raba
The Selig Rating Scale:
A – Excellent movie, well worth the price.
B – Good movie
C – OK movie
D – No need to rush. Save it for a rainy day.
F – Good that I saw it on the big screen but wish I hadn't paid for it.

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