Tag: Good Deed Entertainment

SQUEAL – Interview with Filmmaker Aik Karapetian

Filmmaker Aik Karapetian latest film, SQUEL,  is both surreal and weirdly sincere.  Aik was awesome to jump on Zoom and chat with our Gadi Elkon. Filmmaker Aik Karapetian's dark fairy tale SQUEAL centers...

KARMALINK – Interview with Filmmaker Jake Wachtel

Our Gadi Elkon talked with filmmaker Jake Wachtel about his feature film debut, KARMALINK. In this Buddhist sci-fi mystery set in near-future Phnom Penh, a young Cambodian detective untangles a link between her...

GUIDANCE – Interview with Filmmaker Neysan Sobhani

Filmmaker Neysan Sobhani talked with our Gadi Elkon about his near-future Sci-Fi film, GUIDANCE. In the not-too-distant future, humanity slowly rebuilds itself a decade after The Great War. Believing that the ability to...

STORM BOY – A Review by Cynthia Flores

  STORM BOY - A Review by Cynthia Flores Storm Boy is a beautiful retelling of Collin Thiele's classic Australian novel of the same name.  Storm Boy (Finn Little) has grown up to be...

LOVING VINCENT – A Review by Cynthia Flores

  LOVING VINCENT - A Review by Cynthia Flores     Close your eyes and imagine you can step inside your favorite van Gogh painting. Can you envision how incredible that would be seeing his master...

SO B. IT – A Review by Cynthia Flores

  SO B. IT - A Review by Cynthia Flores     Ok, I know this film has a funny title and the only actor you really recognize is Alfre Woodard or John Herd. However, after...

So B. It – Interview with Author Sarah Weeks

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T3U5n2N-UM Award winning Author Sarah Weeks chatted with me about her books, the transition of So B. It into a film and so much more!!  Author Sarah Weeks books have sold over three million copies and have...

OXFF 2017 Interviews with Award Winners

Some Freaks Trailer by TVMovieTrailer Click through for our interviews with a few of the 2017 award winning filmmakers from the 14th annual Oxford Film Festival. 2017 Oxford Film Festival Interviews with Award Winners: SOME...

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