Dallas Filmmaker Timothy Stevens wrote, directed, edited, and shot his first feature narrative during the pandemic with a small group of Dallas-based artists. The Ghost Lights world premieres at the Lone Star...
The Seventh Annual Lone Star Film Festival (LSFF) in Sundance Square announced that Louis Black, co-founder of the Austin Chronicle and the SXSW Film Festival, will receive the LSFF Maverick Award at...
2012 LSFF Initial Lineup and Individual Tickets Now Available!
The Lone Star Film Festival (LSFF), hosted in Sundance Square at the AMC Theater, has released twelve featured films from their 2012 lineup. The...
Music and Film Icons Top 2012 LSFF Growing List of Honorees
The 2012 Lone Star Film Festival, Nov. 7-11, Sundance Square, Fort Worth
Legendary producer Albert S. Ruddy and musician Billy Joe Shaver will...