Tag: Naomi Scott

ALADDIN (2019) – A Blu-ray/DVD and Digital HD Review by John Strange

  ALADDIN (2019) - A Blu-ray/DVD and Digital HD Review by John Strange Earlier this year when I first saw Aladdin, I entered the theater with trepidation.  Could Will Smith do justice to the...

ALADDIN – A Review by Cynthia Flores

ALADDIN - A Review by Cynthia Flores When I realized that the director and co-writer for the new Disney live-action version of the famous Aladdin story was going to be Guy Richie I...

ALADDIN – A Review by Hollywood Hernandez

ALADDIN - A Review by Hollywood Hernandez Aladdin is spectacular and Will Smith's performance as the Genie will have you asking Robin Who?  (Robin Williams played the Genie in Disney's animated version of...

ALADDIN – A Review by John Strange

ALADDIN - A Review by John Strange When I saw the first announcement for this film I was worried.  The animated feature was amazing.  How could they possibly expect to top it?  And...

POWER RANGERS – A Review by John Strange

  POWER RANGERS - A Review by John Strange   Power Rangers is a reboot of the successful Saban Entertainment television show, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, that ran from 1993 until 1999.  The story centers...

Terra Nova (DVD)

There’s nothing that disappoints me more than to be introduced to a really, really good show on DVD… only to have it cancelled before giving it a chance to build up an...

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