Tag: Pablo Escobar

BOSTON GEORGE: FAMOUS WITHOUT THE FORTUNE – Interview with producers Georgette Angelos and Chris Chesson

The legacy of infamous outlaw, George Jung, gets the full breakdown with a brand new docuseries.  Producers Georgette Angelos and Chris Chesson talked with our Gadi Elkon about the series. Boston George: Famous...

THE INFILTRATOR – A Review By Gadi Elkon

  "Everyone has a price, the important thing is to find out that price.", Pablo Escobar.  The Infiltrator showcases that infamous drug dealer Pablo Escobar wasn't always right.  Click through for my review...

Movie Releases – Pablo, Gemma and Two Prosthetic Penises

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngesu4t3oKc Music Box Film's Gemma Bovery is a witty revisit of the classic Madame Bovery that opens this weekend along with the suspenseful Escobar: Paradise Lost and the intelligent comedy The Overnight.  Click...

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