Tag: Paul Giamatti

THE HOLDOVERS – A Review by John Strange

THE HOLDOVERS - A Review by John Strange Boarding schools have a long history of taking kids from all walks of life and giving them good educations.  And occasionally helping them work through...

THE HOLDOVERS – A Review by Jenn Rohm

THE HOLDOVERS - A Review by Jenn Rohm I am at a point in life where I find myself reflecting and remembering things from when I was younger.  This has included watching older...

San Andreas

SAN ANDREAS By Gary Murray Starring Dwayne Johnson, Paul Giamatti and Carla Gugino Written by Carlton Cuse Directed by Brad Peyton Running time 114 min MPAA Rating PG-13 Selig Film Rating Matinee   To just about everybody who‘ll listen I have...

SAVING MR BANKS – A Review by John Strange

SAVING MR BANKS By: John ’Doc’ Strange Directed by: John Lee Hancock Starring: Tom Hanks, Colin Farrell, Ruth Wilson, Emma Thompson, Paul Giamatti, Jason Schwartzman, Bradley Whitford, Rachel Griffiths, Steven Cabral, B.J. Novak, Kathy Baker MPAA...


12 YEARS A SLAVE By Gary Murray Starring Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael K. Williams, Michael Fassbender, Paul Dano and Paul Giamatti Written by John Ridley Based on the book by Solomon Northup Directed by Steve McQueen Running time 133 MPAA...


ROMEO AND JULIET By Gary Murray Starring Hailee Steinfeld, Douglas Booth and Paul Giamatti Written by Jullian Fellowes Based on the play by William Shakespeare Directed by Carlo Carlei Running time 118 min   MPAA Rating PG-13 Selig Film Rating...


PARKLAND By Gary Murray Starring Zac Efron, Paul Giamatti, Jacki Wilson and Marcia Gay Harden Written and directed by Peter Landesman Running time 93 min MPAA Rating PG-13 Selig Film Rating Matinee   This November is the 50th anniversary of...

Director of Parkland finds new angles on a much told tale

DIRECTOR PETER LANDESMAN By Gary Murray “I think that any rational person would think that Oswald acted alone,” said Peter Landesman, the director and writer of the new film Parkland. He is adamant in...

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