Tag: The Hateful Eight

THE HATEFUL EIGHT 70mm Roadshow – A Review by John Strange

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlYIe8EHdnM   THE HATEFUL EIGHT 70mm Roadshow   By: John ‘Doc’ Strange     The Hateful Eight is the eighth film from writer/director Quentin Tarantino.  The auteur director decided to shoot the film in Ultra Panavision 70 giving the movie...

THE HATEFUL EIGHT – A Review By Gary Murray

  Quentin Tarantino is an amazing film maker and is a big time film geek.  Over the years he has thrilled the masses while letting the film geeks know he is one of...

THE HATEFUL EIGHT To Premiere In 70MM on Christmas Day 2015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2T9FhDR3zY   The Weinstein Company (TWC) announced today that Academy Award® winning writer/director Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming feature THE HATEFUL EIGHT, will premiere in 70mm on December 25, 2015 exclusively for a 1-week roadshow opening that...

Selig Film News’ Fall List of the Top 15 Most Anticipated Films of 2015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngElkyQ6Rhs Star Wars: The Force Awakens is easily the most exciting film coming out this year.  J.J. Abrams bringing back the force for a new generation is going to be a magical experience...

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