Teens Fleeing Church Find Faith at the Movies

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If you're under age 30, there's a one-in-three chance that you are unaffiliated with any belief system.

In a phenomena dubbed "the rise of the nones," more young people than ever are ditching the faith of their forebears.  This statistic is troubling to youth pastors like Ron Luce, founder of Teen Mania Ministries, which has produced creative ways to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with teens for 27 years.

Tonight, Oct. 9, Teen Mania will present SURGE at more than 500 theaters nationwide. It's a movie "event" — a hip-hop/rock concert that blends comedy, an inspirational message, and a chance to interact with hundreds of thousands of other teens through Twitter, Facebook and Instagram while the movie is playing.

"We are bringing the life-changing message of Jesus to teens in a language they understand, in a place where they already hang out," Luce said.

The message of SURGE is that belief in Jesus is not only reasonable — it's empowering.

"We're helping teens face their biggest fears — things like depression, peer pressure, rejection, instability — with the hope that Jesus gives. We're telling them, 'God created you in love, with a plan for your life. You are a part of something bigger,'" Luce said.

SURGE is in theaters two nights only: October 9 and October 16. A full list of theaters can be found here, and more information on SURGE is available at www.SurgeExperience.com.

SURGE is also on Facebook, and Twitter (@SurgeExperience).

Dev Shapiro
Dev Shapirohttp://seligpolyscope.com
Dev is the CEO and head of production at Selig Polyscope Co. He is also the technical brains behind Selig Film News. Often compared to Irving Thalberg he is a film historian and a Bollywood movie poster collector.

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  1. All paths that lead to a relationship with Jesus Christ and His message are the right one. SURGE has provided an in-rode that can possibly trim some travel time off the journey to The Truth.

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