THE BOOK OF MORMON – A Theater Review by Hollywood Hernandez


THE BOOK OF MORMON – A Theater Review by Hollywood Hernandez

The Book of Mormon is a hilariously funny, crowd-pleasing musical written by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone with music from Robert Lopez.

The play tells the story of two young Mormon missionaries who travel to Uganda to convert the people of the war-torn African country.  The two young missionaries very quickly learn that this is not the Africa that they had expected from seeing The Lion King.

The play has a very adult theme and seems like an episode of South Park has come to life.  There is some very vulgar stuff in the play; still, it’s the kind of comedy we’ve come to expect from Parker and Stone.  The play was well received by the audience at the Dallas Summer Musical presentation.  And while some of the play was shocking, it had me laughing nonstop.

Although the musical starts out making light of Mormon beliefs, in the end, the play uplifts the message of service and love for one’s fellow man.  The musical, which has grossed over $500 million, is one of the most successful plays in the history of the theater.

The Book of Mormon runs through February 3rd at The Music Hall at Fair Park.

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