Set in the autumn of 1900, RED ON YELLA, KILL A FELLA follows a group of outlaws as they travel across Texas hoping to recover a stash of cash from a railroad...
Kane Senes’ ECHOES OF WAR is one of those western stories in the vein of UNFORGIVEN and PALE RIDER. The film is full of rich, fully realized characters and smoldering intensity splashed...
West, TX is a tiny town about 18 miles north of Waco well-known amongst Texans for its baked goods. But on Wednesday, April 17th, 2013, West earned more of a certain international...
Living in an insular farming community, Sal Damon, a modern-day Thoreau, seeks solace from a past relationship in Appalachia. After his neighbor dies and he discovers a feral child living on the...
A boy, who has never had to suffer the consequences for his actions, becomes severely addicted to internet violence, leading him to act out in violent ways himself.
Musical journeys taken by percussionists often start with a simple rhythmic calling, a seductive sound that can often lead to extensive travels around the world in pursuit of permutations and possibilities of...
The Dallas International Film Festival starts tomorrow evening and runs through Sunday April 19th. The ninth annual festival highlights 11 days and nights of quality film. A lot of fine folks have...