Fantastic Fest Interview with Kung Fu Elliott Co-Directors Jaret Belliveau and Matthew Bauckman

Kung Fu Elliott is a rare documentary that ends with many more questions than answers.  It's a documentary in which the final 30 minutes will amaze and shock you.  Click through for my interview with the Co-Directors Jaret Belliveau and Matthew Bauckman.

Kung Fu Elliot Interview:  Directors Jaret Belliveau and Matthew Bauckman. 

Jaret and Matthew began our interview by explaning how they came to know Elliot "White Lightning" Scott.

I was curious what made the guys decide to shoot the film themselves.

And after two years how much do they know about Elliot?

The documentary unfolds like most other docs, but the twist in the end is based on it being reality to the filmmakers.  In other words they are just as shocked by the outcome as you will be!

One intriguing element of the documentary is when they all traveled to China.

When did the fellas start to realize Elliott wasn't all he was cracked up to be.

This bold and unique doc from our neighbors to the far north will be at Fantastic Fest 2014.  I asked the guys about getting into the festival and being able to showcase their film to an Austin audience.

For more information about the film go, here.

And for their Fantastic Fest information click, here.


Gadi Elkon
Gadi Elkon
Israeli born. Texan raised. North Texas based.

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